Success Stories
C's Story
Prior to arriving at Bluebell House, C's Mother could not cope with the negative behaviours displayed by C on a regular basis,. and the risk she would place herself in.
C would place herself at great risk by regularly going missing, spending time with older males who would use her for sexual acts and would deliver drugs for the older males. She was at high risk of CSE and a potential for county lines concerns. C's education had suffered to the point where the school were considering on expelling her permanently from the school.
C arrived at Bluebell House and was instantly introduced to our internal therapy team, where she engaged on a regular basis, completing work on her self esteem, the risks she would expose herself too and why, work surrounding appropriate relationships etc. This work had a significant impact on C's behaviour to the point where she began to engage with a CSE worker and a Drug and Alcohol worker, which significantly reduced her risks.
Bluebell House had a number of meetings with the education provider and offered support and guidance for C whilst she was attending school, this enabled them to sustain her placement at the school and she managed to complete all of her GCSE exams.
Due to the significant progress made at Bluebell House, C was considered to be in a position to be re-integrated back with her Mother. Over time and with the support provided by the Bluebell Team, C managed to transition back to her Mothers care where she remains today making excellent progress.
* Stock image for illustrative purposes only